Charlie's Tantrums
"My toddler loves this book! She hung on to every word and loves doing the breathing exercises just like Charlie!"
A funny and educational story written by a primary school teacher (and former tantrum thrower) to support little people with big feelings.
Charlie is a very happy little girl… most of the time. But sometimes if she doesn’t get her way, she can’t help but throw a WHOPPING tantrum. Charlie screams and cries when shopping with Mum or playing with friends at school – and everyone has had enough!
Join Charlie as she learns some tips and tricks to help her feel calm and use her words when she has some big feelings.
Includes discussion questions and optional learning activities at the end of the book to help deepen understanding of the story and promote discussion with your little one.
Suitable for children aged 4-10.
The perfect book for teachers and parents to help promote discussion about big feelings!
Written by JL Cornish